March 12, 2025
Clean Teeth, Dead Breath

Clean Teeth, Dead Breath – a Dog’s Worst Enemy

Clean Teeth, Dead Breath by Alexa Cossington

An Ennis Fletcher Murder Mystery — Vol. 1

Pearl’s been on her own now for a few years since her husband, William, died. She still has her little dog, Gina. But things change, and accidents happen…

Pearl Pearson loved her little dog. It was her companion. She’d lost her husband, William, seven years ago and not a day went by that she didn’t miss him.

The first year after his death was the hardest; Pearl had listened to advice from her well-meaning friends. “Don’t make any drastic changes.” She didn’t. “Don’t get rid of everything right away.” Again, she didn’t. But there came a time when she couldn’t bear to see his clothes hanging in his closet any longer. Those clothes could be put to good use. Pearl gave them to the local thrift store after making sure they donated some, if not all, of their proceeds to the local animal shelter.

It was lunch time; Pearl always fed Gina first—then puttered around the kitchen to see what she felt like making for herself. She had just turned 83 this past March, and was feeling every year of it. Her eyes were getting worse too, even though cataract surgery fifteen years ago most certainly helped improve her cloudy vision.

“Gina! Are You Ready for your Roast Beast?”

“Woof!” barked the Miniature Pinscher in response. Pearl warmed up the roast beef in the microwave, nine seconds on power level four. That did it every time; just the right temperature. Gina loved Pearl and her “roast beast,” and Pearl loved Gina. It was that simple.

Gina jumped up on the couch, and sat on her haunches while Gina hand fed her. She was a spoiled dog indeed. A pat on the head, then the requisite “give mommy a kiss,” meant lunch was over. Gina’s kiss this lunch time was not so sweet. Even mixed with the roast beef, Gina’s doggie breath was pretty pungent.

“Gina, we’re gonna have to do something about that doggie breath of yours. Poo wee!” Gina closed her mouth as if she understood, her little brown eyes wondering what Pearl had in mind…

If you love dogs, you’ll love this story! You might also want to check out I’m A Lucky Dog… Now.

Clean Teeth, Dead Breath by Alexa Cossington