March 12, 2025
66 Days to Sobriety Color Your Quips Inspirational Journal

66 Days to Sobriety

Color Your Quips Inspirational Journal

66 Days to Sobriety Color Your Quips Inspirational Journal

At A New Sober You we recognize just how hard it is to quit a bad habit.

For most people, having a few drinks with friends was a pleasant way to ease the tensions of the day. However, for some folks, those few drinks turn into a habit. A really bad habit. With that in mind, Susan (herself a 20-year sober veteran) created this stress-relieving coloring book of quips for you to color to help reinforce your new GOOD habit!

But did you know that it takes 66 days to get replace an old habit with a new one

It’s no longer the good old 28 days … and the longer you “stick” with something, the better your chances are of success. Makes sense, right?

But Why 66 Days?

According to a study conducted in London, England, 66 days is the median time-frame for a new habit to stick. So, to keep you inspired on your sobriety journey, we proudly present 66 Days to Sobriety Color Your Quips Inspirational Journal.

This 138-page inspirational journal of quips is lovingly compiled with fancy outline fonts for you to add your favorite makes-you-happy colors! Think of Susan’s daily quips as a reminder of your choice to kick your alcohol habit in the butt.

Inside the journal, we have the quip on the right-hand side for you to color, and on the left-hand side you have a special place for “How I Feel Today” for you to jot down your thoughts for that day.

Feel free to color both sides of the pages!

Now you can easily create colorful quips that remind you of your choice to get ~ and stay ~ sober.
Here’s to a new sober you!

Susan, founder of A New Sober You

You may also want to go take a look at Susan’s A New Sober You in 66 Days: A Journal for Ladies.

66 Days to Sobriety Color Your Quips Inspirational Journal