March 12, 2025
A Fortune in Scrap

A Fortune in Scrap – Secrets of the Scrap Metal Industry

A Fortune in Scrap

Do you who love a good scrap metal hunt? It pays to know the secrets of this lucrative industry. Look, there’s no point in picking up heavy metal if it’s not worth anything monetarily. Don’t go breaking your back picking up worthless scrap. It’s time to learn how to source profitable areas where the goodies lie hidden.

Ken discloses his top secrets and tells you why it’s important to know the difference between ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This book also includes sheet steel gauges and weights.

Got any non-running cars lying around? These are great scrap sources and Ken lists what needs to be removed before it can go to the crusher. Generators, transformers, and cables are also great sources of scrap metal.

Another source of scrap metal: old fields with abandoned tractors!

Thermic Lances

Ever heard of “thermic lances”? They are also know as Thermal Lances and these heavy-duty torches cut scrap apart — think big ships and bridges — like a knife through butter. When you enter this highly lucrative field, you can use this knowledge to safely dismantle old cranes etc.

Take advantage of his knowledge of bridges and buildings to old locomotives and the rails they run on. Ken also shares with you his black and white photos of buildings being demolished. Old scrap is worth a lot of money and lurks in many places, provided you know where to look!

Scrap Metal Recycling is Big Business

The information in this book is an example of BIG RECYCLING. The recycling of scrap metal is a necessary process — both from an economical and environmental point of view. Why? Recycling means a reduced demand on the Earth’s natural resources.

Head on over to and pick up a copy of A Fortune in Scrap – Secrets of the Scrap Metal Industry today so you can get going on a profitable hunt tomorrow!

A Fortune in Scrap